

Aulet, B., Chen, E., Tech, RPG (forthcoming). Corporate entrepreneurship in the US, Asia, and Europe. New York: Wiley.

Schmeiss, J., Stephany, F., & Tech, RPG (forthcoming). The business model as mediator during socio-technical transitions – Empirical evidence from applied AI technology startups in the energy and transportation sector. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.


Schmeiss, J., Hoelzle, K., & Tech, RPG (2019). Designing governance mechanisms in platform ecosystems – Addressing the paradox of openness through blockchain technology. California Management Review, 1-23.


Tech, RPG (2018). Financing high-tech startups. Using productive signaling to efficiently overcome the liability of complexity. Cham: Springer Nature.

Tech, RPG (2018). Startup financing in Berlin. In N. Richter et al. (Eds.), Entrepreneurial innovation and leadership. Cham: Palgrave.

Tech, RPG, Kahlert, J., & Schmeiss, J. (2018). Blockchain-enabled open business models: New means to shared value capturing? In T. Redlich et al. (Eds.), Co-creation – Reshaping business and society in the era of bottom-up economics. Basel: Springer.

Damrau, L., Hunsicker, F., Ruhrort, L., Scherf, C., & Tech, RPG (2018). Mobility Monitor No. 6 – May 2018. Passenger  transport market, turnaround, number of cars, public transport, bike sharing, car sharing, e-mobility. International transport, 70 (2), p. 70-73.


Tech, RPG, Neumann, K., & Michel, W. (2017). Limits of inter-firm collaboration & trust in smart factory systems. Berlin: IoT & Trust, Alexander von Humboldt Institute.

Tech, RPG (2017). Augmented and virtual reality applications that matter. HIIG blog.

Tech, RPG (2017). Startup and tech trends 2017. HIIG blog.

Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (2017). IOT & TRUST – Researchers Conference Booklet, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society. (2017). IOT & TRUST – Researchers Conference Booklet (I. Pernice, T. Schildhauer, R. Tech, & C. Djeffal, Eds.). Berlin, Germany: Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society.


Tech, RPG, Ferdinand, J.-P., & Dopfer, M. (2016). Open hardware startups and their communities. In J.-P. Ferdinand; U. Petschow, & S. Dickel (eds.), The Decentralized and Networked Future of Value Creation (pp. 129-145). Heidelberg: Springer.

Tech, RPG (2016). Berlin startup founder has a flaming appeal to the Generation Y. HIIG blog.

Tech, RPG (2016). The future roles of cars. HIIG blog.

Tech, RPG (2016). Robots! Be like Buddha! Why we think you’re cute and fortune plates robots are creepy. HIIG blog.

Tech, RPG (2016). The state of AI in 2015. HIIG Blog.


Tech, RPG (2015). Franco-German conference on the digitalization of the economy. HIIG blog.

Tech, RPG (2015). Robin Tech in the Committee ‘The Digital Agenda’ of the German Bundestag. HIIG blog.

Dopfer M., Grafenstein, M. v., Judge, N., Schildhauer, T., Tech, RPG, Trifonov, S., Wrobel, M. (2015). Promotional And Disabling Factors For Internet Enabled Startups. (Supporting and Hindering Factors for Internet Enabled Startups). HIIG Discussion Paper Series.


Robin PG Tech (2014). Hardware startup funding – What makes it so different from software startups? Web magazine; Magazine for digital work and culture.

Robin PG Tech (2014). How Postmodern is 3D Printing? HIIG blog.

Robin PG Tech (2014). Startup funding for the post-growth era. HIIG blog.

Robin PG Tech (2014). Will 3D printing Lead us into a New Era of Production and Consumption? A peek behind the curtain of the hype. HIIG blog.

Tech, RPG (2014). Crowdfunding for hardware startups. Proceedings from ECIS ’14: European Conference on Information Systems

Friesike, S. and Send, H. & Tech, RPG (2014). What Do Consumers Use 3D Printers For? SSRN.